About Us


The Kenyan Swahili School of Adelaide was founded in 2009. The school operates during the school terms. Lessons are held every Friday from 4:30PM-6:30PM at Kilburn Community Centre, 59 Gladstone Avenue, Kilburn and Sunrise Christian School, 286 Sturt Road, Marion.

Students enjoy lessons that are fun and held in a safe environment.

The school is run entirely on a volunteer basis by a management committee and volunteer teachers. All the teachers are screened by the Department of Education and have an outstanding command of the Swahili language.

The School is accredited and registered by the government as an Ethnic School and is overseen by the Ethnic Schools Association of South Australia (ESASA).

The School provides a great opportunity for Kenyans to socialize with other families and their kids, providing an amazing safe space for students to learn Swahili and the Kenyan culture. Excursions at the end of every term are a popular outing that all students and their parents always look forward to.

Join Us

Jiunge Nasi

Swahili School Adelaide holds classes in North campus located at Kilburn Community Centre, 59 Gladstone Avenue, Kilburn and South Campus located at Sunrise Christian School, 286 Sturt Road, Marion every Friday from 4:30PM-6:30PM during school term.

Kilburn Community Centre, North Campus

Sunrise Christian School, South Campus

To enroll your child for Swahili classes

click on the enrollment form below

Our Partners

Washirika Wetu

Kenya High Commission, Canberra

Ethnics Schools of South Australia

Multicultural Communities of SA

Kenya Association of South Australia

Swahili School Community